• +717-371-0557 direct or 717-207-8093 office

About Us

About Us


Some people think real estate is about houses. That it’s only about things. It is, in many ways. Sticks, bricks and wood. Siding, countertops, walls to paint, spaces to decorate, yards and landscaping. Something to take pride in, something to live in, or to invest so you can grow your bank account. A project to complete, to own and build wealth. Land to subdivide and develop, or land to plant things on that will grow. A place full of happy noise or somewhere to just be quietly by yourself. It can be your landing zone, where you stay just long enough to catch some sleep and then run out the door again. It can be your connection to the community, the place you call home.

Real estate can be so many things, to so many people. That’s what real estate is really about. People. We know that here, at the Jason Burkholder Team, because we’re people too.

I know, weird right? Of course we’re people. What we really mean, is we’re people just like you. We’ve been there ourselves. Right where you are. We have lived our own triumphs and tragedies, learned some hard lessons and celebrated successes. We’ve done it countless more times with our clients, the people we help sell or buy real estate. We’ve got so many stories we could tell you, about real estate and all the things we’ve done.

A star review for the best of the best

Kelly Burkholder

Kelly read an investment book not quite two decades ago, and then decided to buy a laundromat as an investment property, knowing nothing about it other than she wanted to do it, so she did, all while keeping her “day job”. Now she helps people transitioning through the stages of their lives, as they jump right into their next big project without looking back.

A star review for the best of the best

Jaci Hoosier

Jaci spent her time before real estate as a mental health specialist, and moved about a dozen times in herlife through many different states, crossing the country once or twice. She knows what it’s like to relocate and start somewhere new, and she knows just how to help people relocating to settle into a new place.

A star review for the best of the best

Ron Weaver

Ron stepped into the retail world right out of high school, where he perfected customer service, then moved into property management/multifamily housing world, where he put those skills to work helping people find a place to call home. Since he has always had a love of real estate and people, after 7 years in management, Ron decided to make the move into real estate sales, and is ready to help you with your next move.

A star review for the best of the best

Jason Burkholder

Jason used to work in the water and sewer industry until he was laid off. Without a college degree to open doors for him, he decided to create his own opportunities by “giving this real estate thing” a try back in 2003.


Starting with Rookie of the Year in his first year, has won more awards than he can remember or you care to hear about. Earning his Associate Broker’s license in 2007, earning designations, training and managing a 50 person plus sales team, teaching classes and volunteering. Serving on Realtor Association Boards of Directors and in various Leadership roles so he can be in the places where decisions that change the real estate industry are made, he has spent his time in real estate staying on the leading edge of change, helping hundreds of home sellers and buyers navigate whatever the market throws at them.

We are more than a team, we are a partnership full of collective experience unlike any other in the local industry. We build on each other’s strengths, and we make sure our partnership does what’s needed to focus on what matters most, taking care of the people we serve, our clients. We are locally focused, community oriented and are invested in our community.  We show up, we participate, we give back, just like you.

We know real estate. We know people. We are based in Lancaster County, with two offices serving all of South Central Pennsylvania. Check out the PS below for more on where, and remember, whenever you’re ready to make your next move, we’re here for it.

Thanks for stopping by and getting this far, learning a little about us. Now let’s set up a time to talk about you, and how we can help you. Call or text us at 717-371-0557 us any day of the week, we’ll be here.

Your Friends in Real Estate,
Jason Burkholder, Kelly Burkholder, Jaci Hoosier, Ron Weaver
Hometown Property Sales
Licensed in the State of Pennsylvania
A star review for the best of the best
PS – We’re big believers in not just great professional service, but we like to take it to the the next level and provide excellent service!  What does that mean?  Well first off, it means honesty, skill and competence.  Competence means knowing your limits.  We know the real estate market inside and out in Lancaster County, Berks County, York County, Lebanon County and Dauphin County.  We know most of the best places to eat, drink, play, shop local, learn, relax, you name it.

But to be honest, we don’t know all those things about the rest of the counties in PA, and we feel like you need to know  that even though we could serve your real estate needs anywhere in PA, we shouldn’t really.  The good news?

We know amazing Realtors across the state, and across the nation, that we partner with to help people in areas we don’t serve ourselves. So wherever you’re selling or buying, we know how to get you to where you want to be!  Just tell us where you want to go and we will introduce you to an amazing professional who can help you!

A star review for the best of the best