Need help Selling or Buying a property in Lancaster County or Central PA? Have a general question about real estate or mortgages? Short sales or foreclosures? Buying your first house or selling? We would be happy to help you!
Our team is available 7 days per week, including evenings, unless we are in an appointment with someone else, we make every effort to personally answer the phone when people call. If you do miss us, please leave a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can, usually in less than an hour. Don’t be shy, ask any questions you have, we’ll be happy to answer them!
Prefer to text? That’s good for us too! Text 717-371-0557 and same as above, if we can respond we will, if not, we will answer you asap!
Your Friends in Real Estate,
Jason Burkholder Team
Jason Burkholder
Kelly Burkholder
Jaci Hoosier
Ron Weaver
Jason Burkholder Team
Hometown Property Sales Group, LLC
717-207-8093 office
Licensed in the State of Pennsylvania