Thank you for taking the time to stop by here.
Here in South Central Pa, we have a long history of helping others and doing good. I would like to keep that going and would appreciate your help with that. Come with me, get involved, and do something good.
Everyone deserves a safe place to call home, that’s why I think it is worth your time to learn more about the organizations below. They spend their time and resources, with staff and local volunteers just like you and me, ensuring that Central Pa is a safe home to everyone. I believe in them and the good work they do here.
Click the images below to learn more about Court Appointed Special Advocates of Lancaster County ,Church World Services Lancaster , Lititz Warwick Community Chest and Lititz Chooses Love You can Volunteer. You can Donate. You can “like” them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can spread the word about the good they do here where we live. You can choose to provide any support in any way you can, anything you choose to give will be welcome. Thank you for doing whatever you can!
PS – there are SOOOOO many more, too many to list, but we know lots of folks working with almost any kind of of non profit you can think of, so if you want to know how to find an organization working for the cause you care about, just ask us! We will connect you to them!
Have questions? Ask us, we are happy to share with you what I know!
Thank you!
Your Friend in Real Estate,
Jason Burkholder
717-371-0557 direct or text
Associate Broker, Advocate
Realtor, e-Pro, RENE, AHWD
Certified Marketing Specialist
C2EX Endorsed
Jason Burkholder Team
Hometown Property Sales
717-207-8093 office
Licensed in the State of Pennsylvania
#WeStandWithAllOurNeighbors #everyonedeservesasafehome
#GreaterAs1 #LancasterWelcomes #cwslancaster #standwithrefugees #youcansitwithme #BetterTogether
#EverydayHeroes #everyonedeservesasafehome#BeACASA