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This Week’s Open Houses

A star review for the best of the best

I love Open Houses!

Why? Because potential home buyers love them and they’re convenient for people’s busy lives.

While pictures help home buyers decide which homes to visit, they’re no substitute for walking through the home.

To see which of our Central PA Homes for Sale are open this week, click on Yes, They Work! or click here!

Open houses are a great way to find your next home, but casually shopping on your own isn’t the only way to find your next home and not every home buyer is available to view homes while they’re open.

Not every real estate agentfeels the same as I do about Open Houses either, so there are lots of properties that never have open houses, so while Open Houses are fantastic opportunities for sellers and buyers, if the only way you are looking at homes is via Open Houses, as a buyer you’re missing at least half the market.

If you’re a home buyer looking for a home call me at 717-371-0557 (direct) or 717-291-1041 (office), I’ll meet with you and show you how I can find your next home, when it works for your schedule. I’ll get you into the homes that aren’t open, help you find just the right home for you and maybe even be able to show you a few that aren’t even on the market yet or on any of those for sale websites. I’ll help you make it yours!

Open Houses are one of the best ways for sellers to market homes for sale directly to buyers, if you are a seller and want to learn more about how I can use Open Houses to help you sell, call me at 717-371-0557 (direct) or 717-291-1041 (office)!

To contact me call (or send a text message) me at 717-371-0557, call the Office 717-291-1041 or email at[email protected] .

Thanks for stopping by!A man in a suit and black shirt

Your Friend in Real Estate,

Jason Burkholder

Associate Broker, Realtor, e-Pro

Certified Marketing Specialist

Weichert, Realtors – Welcome HomeA star review for the best of the best