Maybe you’re looking to downsize, upsize, offload an investment property, or anything in between. No matter the market, there are always headlines and rumors about “how the market is right now.” Yes, it’s ever changing. And as we always say, the market is local. What’s happening here in Lancaster County, PA can be completely different than anywhere else in the US.
That’s one of the benefits of working with a local agent, who lives and works in the area. We know what’s going on. And in our case, we’ve been in real estate for a variety of market conditions. We’re here to help you buy or sell, in any market. With that being said, here are common questions we’re seeing:
(1) Is it even a good time to move right now?
Not sure if there’s another place waiting for you? There are about 480 active listings right now in Lancaster County, which is an increase of roughly 11% from this same time last year. So yeah, it is. If you think it’s right for you.
(2) How long will it take to sell my house? The average days on market is 22, with the majority of homes going under contract between 4 and 10 days after listing. But part of that is market driven and part of that may be pricing strategy. We can explain all of that when we talk and see what to expect from your property. With decades of experience, we’re equipped to help you sell (and buy, if that’s what you’re looking to do !) in any market. including this one.
(3 bonus!) How much would my home sell for? Let’s talk about it ! Reach out to us for a free, no obligation estimate on what your home could sell for in today’s market. Just give us a call or text at (717) 371-0557
Any other questions ? We’re happy to help !
Your Friends in Real Estate,
717-371-0557 direct or text
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Realtor, e-Pro, RENE, AHWD
Certified Marketing Specialist