• +717-371-0557 direct or 717-207-8093 office

Home Buyer Advice

Waiting for the housing market to fall? Well, good luck babe

Have you ever heard the phrase: don’t believe everything you hear?  That’s especially true if you’re thinking about buying or selling a home in today’s housing market. There’s A LOT of misinformation out there and lots of folks predicting doom and gloom.  And right now, making sure you have someone you can go to for trustworthy information is extra important.  Cause they’re all wrong.

Feel frustrated?  Well, that’s normal. You don’t have to stop the world just to stop the feeling.  You just have to partner with an experienced real estate team like us, we can help clear up some common misconceptions and reassure you by backing them up with research-driven facts. Here are just a few myths you might be hearing:

1. I’ll Get a Better Deal Once Prices Crash

No, you won’t. Why? If you’ve heard home prices are going to come crashing down, it’s time to look at what’s actually happening, because they won’t. While prices vary by local market, there’s a lot of data out there from numerous sources that shows a crash is not going to happen. Back in 2008, there was a dramatic oversupply of homes that led to prices crashing. Across the board, there’s an undersupply of homes for sale today. That makes this market a whole different scenario (see chart below):

So, if you think waiting will score you a deal, know that data shows there’s not a crash on the horizon, and waiting isn’t going to pay off the way you’d hoped.  It just won’t.

2. I Won’t Be Able To Find Anything To Buy

If this nagging fear about finding the right home if you move is still holding you back, you probably haven’t talked with us lately. Throughout the year, the supply of homes for sale has grown, it hasn’t doubled, so it could be discouraging.   The thing is, new homes hit the market every day. Data from Realtor.com helps put this into context. While there are still fewer homes on the market than in a more normal year like 2019, inventory is still above where it was at this time last year and you’ll have new opportunities each day.  (see graph below)

If you’re remembering all that media coverage about record-low supply during the pandemic, you can rest a bit easier. While the market isn’t back to normal just yet, inventory is moving in a healthier direction. And that means as your options improve, you can let go of this now outdated myth because finding a home to buy won’t feel quite so impossible anymore.  Just don’t count on a surge of new listings, again, expect it to be similar to the last 12 months or so.

3. I Have To Wait Until I Have Enough for a 20% Down Payment

Many people still believe you need a 20% down payment to buy a home.  You don’t. We have people buying with 0%-5% all the time, and many people average under 10%.  To show just how widespread this myth is, Fannie Mae says:

“Approximately 90% of consumers overstate or don’t know the minimum required down payment for a typical mortgage.”

And if you look at the data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), you can see the typical homeowner isn’t putting down as much as you might expect (see graph below):

First-time homebuyers are typically only putting down 6%. That’s far less than the 20% so many people think they need. And if you’re looking at that graph and you’re more focused on how the number for repeat buyers is closer to 20%, here’s what you need to realize. That’s only because they have so much equity built up in their current house that can be used to make a larger down payment for their next move.  They’re moving money from one house on to the next, the equity is allowing them to make the move to a higher price point.

Now, you do still need some money, but definitely not a full 20%.  We can meet up to show you the math, how it all works, and help you see what first time buyer programs you might qualify for.

Bottom Line

The world is confusing.  You have hopes and dreams.  We can help you make it all make sense and work.  You deserve to have someone you can trust to get the facts.  Call us at 717-371-0557, let’s talk.

If you’re still waiting for the market to  “home prices to fall”,  you’re likely to wake up in the middle of the night, with your head in your hands and nothing more than rental life.  And when you thinking about not buying all those years ago, you’re standing face to face with I told you so…..   well.

You know we hate to say we told you so, which means all you have to do is call and get together with us, and we’ll never have to say good luck babe.  You won’t need luck when you have us to help you, you’ll be in your new home, with no regrets.

Your Friends in Real Estate,

Jason Burkholder Team

Hometown Property Sales 


Jason Burkholder

Kelly Burkholder

Jaci Hoosier

Ron Weaver

717-371-0557 – cell

717-207-9083 – office

What Credit Score Do You Really Need To Buy a House?

When you’re thinking about buying a home, your credit score is one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle. Well.  Equally as big as your income at least.  Think of it like your financial report card that lenders look at when trying to figure out if you qualify, and which home loan will work best for you. As the Mortgage Report says:

“Good credit scores communicate to lenders that you have a track record for properly managing your debts. For this reason, the higher your score, the better your chances of qualifying for a mortgage.”

It is likely none of that is surprising to you.  The trouble is most buyers jsut don’t know, or understand, how credit scoring works and sometimes think they need a score much higher than the minimum credit score a lender is looking for to approve them to buy a home. According to a report from Fannie Mae, only 32% of consumers have a good idea of what lenders require. That means nearly 2 out of every 3 people don’t.

So, here’s a general ballpark to give you a rough idea. Experian says:

The minimum credit score needed to buy a house can range from 500 to 700, but will ultimately depend on the type of mortgage loan you’re applying for and your lender. Most lenders require a minimum credit score of 620 to buy a house with a conventional mortgage.”

Most. Some. Those words don’t give you a lot of certainty, so basically, it varies.  You need a good score to get a good interest rate, but even if your credit isn’t perfect, there are still options out there. As FICO explains:

While many lenders use credit scores like FICO Scores to help them make lending decisions, each lender has its own strategy, including the level of risk it finds acceptable. There is no single “cutoff score” used by all lenders, and there are many additional factors that lenders may use . . .

And realistically, even though “they” say the “minimum score could be as low as 500, that is not really true or a good thing.  Sure, some lenders may go that low but you will pay a ridiculously high interest rate, and some stupidly high fees.  Just no.  Realistically, you have to be 600/620 or higher, or you don’t have a chance. Your approval odds for good lending terms are way better at 640 or higher, preferably 680 plus.   Pretend 640 is the floor, the low point, under it is not going to give you great lending rates.

So if your credit score needs a little TLC, don’t worry, we can connect you with a lender and find out where you are, then help you create a plan to get where you need to go.  In the meantime, Experian says there are some easy steps you can take to give it a boost, including:

1. Pay Your Bills on Time

Easy to say, sometimes hard to do, but let’s be honest.  We like to be positive, but ya gotta accept reality too.  You know if you’re on time or not.  If you are paying your bills late, you won’t get approved for a mortgage until you are caught up and have a history of on time payments for a few months. Lenders want to see that you can reliably pay your bills on time. This includes everything from credit cards to utilities and cell phone bills. Consistent, on-time payments show you’re a responsible borrower.

2. Pay Off Outstanding Debt

Paying down what you owe can help lower your overall debt and make you less of a risk to lenders. Plus, it improves your credit utilization ratio (how much credit you’re using compared to your total limit). A lower credit utilization ratio means you’re more reliable to lenders, as a general rule.  BUT, let’s talk before you start paying down the debt, as there are some strategic ways to maximize the results.  Those utilization rates are more important than total debt or balances.   Student loans for example, let’s say you have $45,000 in student loan debt and a payment of $300 per month.  The lenders don’t really care about the total, they count the $300 per month.

3. Don’t Apply for Too Much Credit

While it might be tempting to open more credit cards to build your score, it’s best to hold off.  New credit applications lead to hard inquiries on your report, which will temporarily lower your score.  Don’t apply for that store card to get 5% off your purchase today, that is many times more damaging than  you think.

Bottom Line

Your credit score is crucial when buying a home. But even if your score isn’t perfect, there are still pathways to homeownership.

Working with us so we can connect you to a trusted lender is the best way to get more information on how your credit score could factor into your home loan.

 Call us at 717-371-0557, lets get together and we can help you understand it all so you know exactly where you are, and can plan to get where you need to go.  When you’re ready.

Your Friends in Real Estate,

Jason Burkholder Team

Jason Burkholder

Kelly Burkholder

Jaci Hoosier

Ron Weaver

Hometown Property Sales

717-207-9083 – office

You already know

You may be confused. You may be wondering. You may be unsure.  But you know.  You know right now whether or not you want to move.  You know right now what you need and if selling or buying a home is what you want to do.

So move.  Sell your house, buy another, just do, or do not, right?  

We know it’s not that simple.  Moving is not just a big deal, it’s your life, it’s a huge deal.  So what’s stopping you, one of the reasons here in this list?

  1. You don’t want to.  Good!  You love your house, stay and be happy!
  2. You want to, but don’t know where to go or how to get there.
  3. You want to, but think you can’t afford to.
  4. You’re confused and not sure of the timing, a bit worried about making a mistake

Number 4 there makes a lot of sense if you’re confused or unsure of your path, because the real estate market can be confusing.  A lot of people have found the most confusing part is knowing when and worry whatever they do, it’s not the right “time” to do it because of all the conflicting information out there.  They’re trying to “time the market”; they’re trying to see what the future might be, listening to all the noise and media chatter, guessing whether interest rates go down (or up), if home prices go up or down, will more homes be available!?! 

And then, even though they want to move they find themselves trapped in indecision. It’s no wonder most people are confused, the endless barrage of headlines contradict themselves hour to hour and there’s always someone with an opinion different than the last one you saw.  The media confuses you on purpose.  All those headlines and predictions drive ad revenue. They’re just guesses.  Some of them are educated, some of them are not.  Some are people who look good on social media and sound convincing.  Some like to sound provocative.  Some will be right.  Most of them are wrong.

We heard a little green guy**  say something like the future is always in motion, and we have found, that’s why the internet and news media is just almost always wrong in their predictions.

Forget them. Hop off the internet and turn off your tv.  We can help you get past all of that noise because we know what we know and we are not confused. We do this every day, for a living.  We don’t get paid to comment online or get ad revenue by creating fear, which we heard is the path to the dark side.   We get paid by helping people buy and sell homes, right here in South Central PA.

We focus on the areas we know, we focus on what is happening now, we know the history here and we tune out what’s happening in another state, because it does not matter here, to you.  We know the facts, trends and numbers you need, and we know how to explain them to you so you can understand them. 

We are not confused because every single person we have ever helped sell or buy real estate did it for the same reasons you are considering.  It was because they wanted to or needed to.  There’s literally never been one who did it because the headlines told them to, or because the interest rate were perfect or the latest jobs report convinced them.

They moved because no matter what the headlines said, it was the right time for them.  Or they didn’t because it wasn’t the right time for their life.  They knew.  Just like you know.   So, be confident, we will get you past the confusion so you can decide to do, or do not.

Now that you read this far, let’s talk about #2 and #3 up there. Those are literally just logistics.  We know how to help you buy and sell at the same time, fix credit, tap into first time buyer programs, how to know which lender to choose (and why), how to help you overcome all the logistical hurdles involved in getting where you need to go, and how to do the math needed to know what makes financial sense for you.  We’ll show you the way forward.  Then again, you decide do, or do not.

We are confident in our ability to help you clearly decide because when 900 years old you reach…  ok, we aren’t that old.  But we do have a couple decades of experience and have helped hundreds of people through the good times and the bad.  Don’t worry about interest rates or headlines or financial reports.  Call us at 717-371-0557, lets get together and we can help you understand it all so you feel comfortable making your move.  When you’re ready.

Your Friends in Real Estate,

Jason Burkholder Team

Jason Burkholder

Kelly Burkholder

Jaci Hoosier

Ron Weaver

Hometown Property Sales

717-207-9083 – office

**Back to the little green guy, we don’t want to violate anyone’s copyright and wouldn’t want to make any unfair comparisons, but Jason isn’t exactly tall (none of us are), and even if he doesn’t know the answer; he’s well connected to the real estate galaxy and knows another little green guy who does.  So call us anytime and if we don’t service the area you want to move to, or don’t know the answer: we definitely have the connection to someone who does

5 Cleaning Tips

Looking for a few easy ways to keep your house shiny and keep it simple?  Here’s 5 simple tips to make your space shine!

1. Purchase a pack of microfiber cloths- they’re more effective than paper towels for cleaning surfaces and trap dust and grime without leaving streaks. Plus, they’re reusable, making them an eco-friendly and cost-effective choice. Just wash, dry, and reuse !

2. Use cleaner concentrate- you can find tabs that dissolve in water (huge space saver !) or liquid concentrate that you dilute with water. You’re cutting down on plastic packaging and saving money!

3. Use a cotton ball- soak a cotton ball in the essential oil of your choice to put in the bottom of your trash can!

4. Keep your supplies accessible- when you’re trying to form a habit, you have to make it easy on yourself. Don’t put your cleaning supplies on a shelf that requires a ladder or tuck away your vacuum in the back of your coat closet. Have your supplies readily available!

5. Set a timer- most of us don’t want to clean, but it needs done. You can make a lot of progress in short amount of time, but it does take some mental energy to get started. Set a timer for whatever amount of time you have, even if it’s 10 minutes, and see how much you can get done. Sometimes you just need a push to get started and can continue working past the timer!

Looking to buy or sell in Central PA? We can help !

Your Friends in Real Estate,

Jason Burkholder Team


Jason Burkholder

Kelly Burkholder

Jaci Hoosier

Ron Weaver

717-371-0557 direct or text

Hometown Property Sales Group, LLC

717-207-8093 office

57 E Main St

Lititz, PA 17543

There Won’t Be a Recession That Tanks the Housing Market

There’s been a lot of recession talk over the past couple of years. And that may leave you worried we’re headed for a repeat of what we saw back in 2008. Here’s a look at the latest expert projections to show you why that isn’t going to happen.

According to Jacob Channel, Senior Economist at LendingTree, the economy’s pretty strong:

“At least right now, the fundamentals of the economy, despite some hiccups, are doing pretty good. While things are far from perfect, the economy is probably doing better than people want to give it credit for.”

That might be why a recent survey from the Wall Street Journal shows only 39% of economists think there’ll be a recession in the next year. That’s way down from 61% projecting a recession just one year ago (see graph below):

a graph of the economic growth of the economy

Most experts believe there won’t be a recession in the next 12 months. One reason why is the current unemployment rate. Let’s compare where we are now with historical data from Macrotrends, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), and Trading Economics. When we do, it’s clear the unemployment rate today is still very low (see graph below):

a graph of a graph showing the number of employment rate

The orange bar shows the average unemployment rate since 1948 is about 5.7%. The red bar shows that right after the financial crisis in 2008, when the housing market crashed, the unemployment rate was up to 8.3%. Both of those numbers are much larger than the unemployment rate this January (shown in blue).

But will the unemployment rate go up? To answer that, look at the graph below. It uses data from that same Wall Street Journal survey to show what the experts are projecting for unemployment over the next three years compared to the long-term average (see graph below):

a graph of blue bars

As you can see, economists don’t expect the unemployment rate to even come close to the long-term average over the next three years – much less the 8.3% we saw when the market last crashed.

Still, if these projections are correct, there will be people who lose their jobs next year. Anytime someone’s out of work, that’s a tough situation, not just for the individual, but also for their friends and loved ones. But the big question is: will enough people lose their jobs to create a flood of foreclosures that could crash the housing market?

Looking ahead, projections show the unemployment rate will likely stay below the 75-year average. That means you shouldn’t expect a wave of foreclosures that would impact the housing market in a big way.

Demand is still strong, and inventory levels are stable

You can see in this chart below, the level of active homes for sale is fairly stable, across all price ranges.  New listings enter the market each day.

The buyer demand for the listings shows in the pending sales chart here, the lines are pretty close. Homes come on the market, and they sell fast.

There isn’t much to be afraid of

There won’t be a wave of homes for sale that outpaces demand.  Most experts now think we won’t have a recession in the next year. They also don’t expect a big jump in the unemployment rate. That means you don’t need to fear a flood of foreclosures that would cause the housing market to crash.  The last crash is reflected in the chart below and shows you what happened to home values nationwide. While the numbers dipped, it was not for long, and they bounced right back. Not only will there not be a housing market crash, but even if we’re wrong, appreciation will bring values right back and then continue at a much more normal pace, as it has in the past.

















Bottom line. Opportunity is everywhere.

Supply and demand remain balanced, so what you can expect for 2024 is pretty much what you saw in the last two years.  We helped a lot of people find success buying, and selling, in these last few years, just like we did in the years before then.  Don’t bother waiting to try and “time the market”, lets talk about what you want, then we’ll help you decide if now is the time for you.   Will you compete as a buyer?   Yes. Will you find lots of buyers wanting your home when you sell?   Yes.   No matter what you want to do, opportunity is there for you.

When you’re ready to talk, we’ll be here.  Give us a call or text at (717) 371-0557!

Your Friends in Real Estate,

Jason Burkholder Team


Jason Burkholder

Kelly Burkholder

Jaci Hoosier

717-371-0557 direct or text

Hometown Property Sales Group, LLC

717-207-8093 office

57 E Main St

Lititz, PA 17543

Fear, less

Photo by 愚木混株 cdd20 on Unsplash

“Scary times don’t call for fearless leaders. We don’t need a gladiator jumping into an arena with the hungry tiger.  Instead, times of fear and uncertainty call for leaders to become fear(less) — aware of and consciously able to sort through what is truly scary and deserves careful consideration and what is causing undue stress and anxiety without being a real threat.”

That quote came out of a quick article I read, here in this link .   For the sake of this discussion, replace the word “leaders” with people.  After all, leaders are just people, individual persons.  You are also a person.

What does this have to do with real estate?  Well, if I’m being philosophical, real estate is about people’s lives.  A person can’t live their life in a constant state of fear, and really, there is no hungry tiger to defeat in this story, it’s real estate.  What’s there to defeat?  What is there even to fear?

If you care about real estate, the enemy is misinformation, uncertainty and the fear it drives.

It makes you question everything, and end up doing nothing.  It’s not enough for me to say “be fear(less)” if you’re jumping into this real estate market.  You have to actually be able to fear less things.  Your ability to be “aware of and consciously able to sort through what is truly scary and deserves careful consideration and what is causing undue stress and anxiety without being a real threat” is important when you’re thinking about making a purchase or sale that will change your life and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

See, if you’ve been on the internet, or listen to the radio, or watch tv, you find pretty quickly we live in a world full of threats, real and imaginary.  Fear.  BE AFRAID.  But mostly, the fear is imaginary. Clickbait. Lots of somebody’s hot take bullshit out there masquerading as news so you click and share.  Sorry for the language, but it’s true.

Not only are we bombarded by headlines full of fear, but most of them are full of misinformation, missing pieces, things that are flat out incorrect analysis and bullshit.  Take these statements for example:

  • The market is going to crash!
  • Investors are buying all the affordable homes with cash
  • Higher interest rates mean people can’t buy.
  • Multiple offers are gone! 
  • Foreclosures are coming! 

Fear, sensationalism and wrong information in each bullet point.   Why do I say that?  Because we don’t write headlines, we sell real estate.  We actually are working in the market every day, with buyers buying and sellers selling, not writing clickbait for ad revenue.  Here’s the answer to each of those bullet points.

  • The market is going to crash!  No, it isn’t, 2023 is on track to mirror prior years in many ways when it comes to closed sales, people are still buying.
  • Investors are buying all the affordable homes with cash.  No, cash sales were only 26% of recent sales, and investors were less than 20% of sales in PA, some areas lower than 10%.  Sure, there are cash buyers.  But not all of them.
  • Higher interest rates mean people can’t buy!  No, not true, people are buying all the time, like I said, we are pretty similar to last year.  Interest rates have absolutely affected affordability and made payments higher, but it has not stopped the prices from rising.
  • Multiple offers are gone!  No, there are fewer, but they are still there.
  • Foreclosures are coming!  No, they aren’t, distressed homes are still less than 1% of home sales nationwide.

That’s the best part of working with us.  You don’t have to figure out what’s true, and what’s not, in the headlines.  There isn’t anything to be afraid of.  You’re either wanting to buy a property or you aren’t.  You’re either wanting to sell a property or you aren’t.  If you are thinking about jumping into this, selling or buying, we can help you.

We know how to look at it all critically, and we’ll help you make sense of it.  We have sellers selling each week with multiple offers over list price.  We also have buyers winning multiple offer situations, buyers getting contracts signed with the ability to do home inspections, buyers getting contracts signed with offers that include seller help with closing costs, and buyer’s buying homes for list price or less.

We are not confused, we are not afraid and we’re ready to help you too.  Call us at 717-371-0557, let’s talk! – Jason


Your Friends in Real Estate,

Jason Burkholder Real Estate Team

Jason Burkholder

Kelly Burkholder

Adam High

Jaci Hoosier

Welcome Home Real Estate

717-298-8040 office

57 E Main St

Lititz, Pa 17543

10 Tips for a Smooth Move

  1. Tubs over boxes- they’re durable, have lids, and double as permanent storage once you’re settled in. Start collecting them once you know a move is coming! Shoe boxes are also great to store smaller items inside the bins.
  2. Essentials bin- designate a tub or tote bag as the one you’ll use once you’ve made it to the new place. Put in hand soap, trash bags, paper towels, cleaning supplies, change of clothes, toiletries, phone chargers, disposable silverware, and paper plates. 
  3. Order takeout- on the topic of food, now’s the time to embrace takeout. Use it as an opportunity to try out the new local restaurants!
  4. Labels- put a strip of masking tape on each box with the appropriate label, such as kitchen, bathroom, etc. Bonus points if you list the items inside!
  5. Towels over paper- instead of buying packing paper or bubble wrap, use your towels to wrap the fragile items.
  6. Closet to go- this one you may have seen on the internet: with your clothes still hanging in your current closet, just put a trash bag over them, leaving the hangers exposed, and you can easily hang them back up at the new place!
  7. Purge BEFORE you move- dedicate a weekend to going through your items to see what to donate, sell, or throw away. No point in moving items you don’t need, use, or want!
  8. Get a head start on furniture- it can take weeks, if not months, to get furniture shipped. Try to pick out your furniture sooner rather than later!
  9. Consider a new credit card- speaking of ordering furniture, there’s a good chance you’ll be dropping some money during the move. Similar to a wedding, this is a great time to consider a new credit card with some awesome welcome rewards for spending x amount in the first few months of opening it. 
  10. Keep sandwich bags on hand- you’ll be taking apart and reassembling furniture. Make sure you’re keeping everything sealed and clearly labeled!


Looking for help finding your new place? We can help ! Reach us at (717) 371-0557


Your Friends in Real Estate, Jason Burkholder Real Estate Team


Jason Burkholder

Kelly Burkholder

Adam High

Jaci Hoosier

717-371-0557 direct or text

Welcome Home Real Estate

717-298-8040 office

57 E Main St, Lititz, PA 17543



Real Estate Market Myths in 2023

Ok friends, let’s shine the light on a couple myths floating around out there regarding the real estate market right now.  There’s no denying that it’s a different market, and sometimes conflicting signals.  But that’s kinda the case every year, and misconceptions floating around about this market, coupled with  people filling airtime trying to “predict” what’s going to happen next aren’t making things any easier.

So what, exactly, are those misconceptions, and why are they incorrect? Let’s discuss some of the common myths in today’s housing market that are hurting both buyers and sellers, including:

  • Owners with low mortgage rates will never sell. Many buyers that purchased a home a few years ago locked in record low interest rates on their mortgages. And with interest rates significantly higher today, there’s a belief that those homeowners will never give up their low interest rates and sell. But the truth is, there are a ton of life circumstances that could force a person to list and sell their home — like a new job, growing family, or change in their financial situation — no matter what kind of interest rate they have on their mortgage.  Mortgage rates don’t play a role in what people want, they play a role in what people can afford.
  • “High Interest Rates” are keeping people from buying.  No, they aren’t. In Lancaster County, closed sales are up 25%, check out our last Market Update to see those stats.
  • As rates go up, home prices will go down, so I should wait. Many buyers believe that as interest rates rise, home prices will fall — and, as such, they’ve been waiting to make a move until prices are more affordable. But the relationship between interest rates and home prices is impacted by a variety of factors, including demand and available inventory, and the “prices will fall as rates rise” belief just hasn’t been true in this market.  The demand is still outpacing the supply, and even so, lots of people are successfully buying homes!  Don’t expect this to change anytime soon, prices aren’t coming down.
  • The market is about to crash, just like in 2008. The prices and fierce competition in today’s market are reminding some people of the conditions before 2008. But today’s market lacks the fundamental issues that caused the 2008 crash, including bad lending practices (they were legislated out), and the majority of homeowners had little to no equity in their home back then. The recent rise in prices was driven by completely different factors — including generational trends, more than a decade of under building housing, and demand outpacing inventory — making a similar crash highly unlikely.  How can I be sure?  Well, how about this next point.
  • Mortgage defaults are at the lowest rate in 23 years.  All time, historically low.  According to Core Logic, default rates (people not paying their mortgages) was only 1.1% of mortgages.  People have jobs, they are sitting on tremendous equity, they didn’t take risky loans to buy, and there simply isn’t going to be a “wave” of foreclosures.
  • Home owners have lots of equity.  ATTOM Data recently put out a report that says 49% of US homeowners are “equity rich”.  This means, again, it’s a great time for them to sell, and most people selling now are able to use that equity to easily move up, or move down, or simply cash out and use the money elsewhere.  Prices are stable, and rising, at a much more sustainable pace this year versus prior years.

So, what does it all mean for you?  Exactly what we have been saying. Now is a good a time to buy, or sell, as any.  People move because they want to, or need to, and despite headlines to the contrary, yes you can buy.  We are helping people do it all the time.  We can help you too.  Let’s talk about it.

Looking to sell or buy anywhere in Central Pa?  Call 717-371-0557!

Your Friends in Real Estate,

Jason Burkholder Real Estate Team

Jason Burkholder

Kelly Burkholder

Adam High

Jaci Hoosier


Jason Burkholder


717-371-0557 direct or text

Associate Broker

Realtor, e-Pro, RENE, AHWD

Certified Marketing Specialist

C2EX Endorsed, Certified Ally

Jason Burkholder Real Estate Team

Welcome Home Real Estate

717-298-8040 office

57 E Main St

Lititz, Pa 17543


Buyer Expectations- Buy Now, Upgrade Later

Just start somewhere. When you decide you’re ready to buy your first home (and stop throwing money into the bottomless pit that is rent), you don’t have to get your dream home. You can buy a starter home, stay awhile, build some equity, sell it, then move up.

Why do we say that?  Well, according to a recent survey  57% of buyers looking for their first home want it to be their “forever home”. Forever.  Wow.  As the purple one himself, Prince, said:

“Dearly beloved
We are gathered here today
2 get through this thing called life.

Electric word life
It means forever and that’s a mighty long time
But I’m here 2 tell U
There’s something else:
The afterworld.”

Too deep?  What does a song lyric have to do with buying a home?   Well, let’s focus on one sentence: forever’s a mighty long time.  It really is.  So final.  Here’s the thing.  No one knows where they’re going to be in 10-20 years with 100% certainty. 38% of millennials don’t expect to be with the same employer in 5 years.

If you are like most people, and you’re buying your first home, you simply don’t have the budget for that perfect “forever home” and if you did, the huge majority of homeowners buy 2-3 homes in their lives and move about, on average, 7-10 years after they buy their first home.

Odds are, you’re buying something, and moving in the next decade or two.  Why not buy and make it your own?

Your money is better spent paying off your own mortgage, rather than someone else’s.  The interest rate on rent is 100%.

Did you know that since 2012, low-income homeowners built $98,900 in home appreciation and upper-income households built $150,800? The NAR report also states that “middle income homeowners accumulated $122,100 in wealth as their homes appreciated by 68% in the last 10 years.”

“In the areas with the highest homeownership rates for low-income households, wealth gains were $140,000 on average.”

You don’t wait to buy. You buy, and wait, so when it’s time to sell and upgrade to a new place, you’ve got equity to use!

Not to mention some of the other benefits of home ownership:

  • Paint to your heart’s content
  • Remodel whatever you want
  • Pets without needing permission
  • Tax write offs
  • Stable mortgage payment, rather than surprise rent increases (and you can refinance for a better rate too!)
  • Consider using your property as a long or short term rental when you do move?

Don’t let the internet, or the tv, fool you. Most of those influencers on social media are still renting, and pretending to be happy anyway. Perfect is rarely attainable without a selfie filter, and they don’t make those for home buying.  It’s not only ok to buy a starter home, it’s better for you.  It’s what your generations before you have done, and it’s how most “middle class” people in the last century have built their wealth.  How about you think about getting started now?

Ready to take the first step as a homebuyer? Give us a call or text at (717) 371-0557 and we’ll get you on the path that’s best for you!

Your Friends in Real Estate, Jason Burkholder Team


Jason Burkholder

Kelly Burkholder

Jaci Hoosier

717-371-0557 direct or text

Hometown Property Sales Group

717-207-8093 office

57 E Main St, Lititz, PA 17543



HOAs- Are They Worth It?

A Homeowner’s Association (HOA) is “an organization in a subdivision, planned community, or condominium building that makes and enforces rules for the properties and residents.” (Investopedia)

How do you join an HOA? If you rent or buy a property that’s part of an HOA, you become a member automatically!

HOAs are run by dues, which are usually paid monthly or annually. The amount can vary as the benefits are different for each HOA, but according to LendingTree, the average dues are $3500 annually, or $291 monthly.

A few examples of what an HOA offers:

  • Neighborhood landscaping
  • Personal landscaping
  • Security
  • Sports and leisure amenities (gym, pool, tennis courts, etc.)
  • Concierge

Each HOA has its own rules and regulations, which Associa states could include the following:

  • Home maintenance standards
  • Noise complaint policies
  • Home occupancy limits
  • Architectural controls (paint color, fences, etc.)
  • Short-term rental restrictions
  • Parking rules and guidelines

LendingTree also notes that HOAs can help maintain home value. “Those strict HOA rules can lead to a lot of nice curb appeal.”

LendingTree goes on to say that 57% of HOA members say it has made their lives easier and 63% say they’re priced fairly for the benefits received.

On the flip side, of those who believe their HOA is too expensive, 43% report that the HOA has made their life harder.

Some example violations include:

  • Improper landscaping
  • Painting or decorating outside of regulations
  • Improper or infrequent disposal of trash

So, should you choose a home inside of an HOA? That’s up to you! It’s worth reviewing the cost and regulations of an HOA before purchasing or renting a property that’s part of one. It’s a personal choice!

Looking to buy or sell in Central PA? We can help! Give us a call or text at (717) 371-0557!

Your Friends in Real Estate, Jason Burkholder Real Estate Team


Jason Burkholder

Kelly Burkholder

Adam High

Jaci Hoosier

717-371-0557 direct or text

Welcome Home Real Estate

717-298-8040 office

57 E Main St, Lititz, PA 17543