Don’t get me wrong, I love new agents, I was new once too and have spent a couple decades training them. I love all the fresh perspective and new things I can learn from them. I don’t have a TikTok account but probably should get one before I get even more “too old for that “ 😆
In a world full of apps and AI on every smart phone that can make anyone look good (even giving me back some hair), and give the appearance of skill, appearance isn’t actually a substitute for learned skill and actual experience.
Technology is amazing, but not every problem is a nail to hit with a hammer. We like to employ the right types of technology for the right types of situations when it helps, and leave it in the toolbox when it doesn’t. Example? Ya can’t only text. Sometimes you have actually talk on the phone with someone and will find having a 2 minute long phone conversation can save hours of text misunderstanding. It’s just reality.
Video is another example of a useful tool that is light years ahead of even last year and excellent for building a brand online instead of being critical to selling a home. Different markets require different tools. I was doing video tours with a handheld video camera and uploading them into YouTube to send links to people across the country for virtual tours in 2010. I was doing video walk throughs and putting them on stand alone domains for 24/7 Open Houses starting back then too. Video helped me sell a lot of homes over the years. Then I stopped doing it after the market accelerated to where it is in 2021 and it was not needed. Things moved fast, we moved fast with them and well, I didn’t put the effort into “content creating”.
Our team framework will allow us to put the time into creating video without our client services paying the price. We’ll build a content library full of useful context and accurate information, as video has evolved from being needed to sell a particular home to what people turn to for education. I mean, we’ll show you cool houses too, but we won’t only show you those. We’ll get a new microphone first probably, as that tech evolved quite a bit and the one we have isn’t the best anymore.
The Olympics have shown us again what we already knew. Calm, level headed, learned experience is the difference maker. It allows us to know exactly what to do and when.
We know there is no one size fits all approach because everybody’s needs are different. While we love video, and we love energy and enthusiasm, there is a LOT of video online put out by creators who are enthusiastically and energetically wrong. Especially the video created by “influencers” who are making money off social media, not actually selling houses. Maybe they aren’t wrong, but what they are saying is just not realistic or practical or attainable for you in this market or in your area. Reality is what it is, not what we wish it was.
So we’ll be using video to help you know how to separate fact (there isn’t going to be market crash) from fiction (the sky is falling!?!?) and ensure that you have the information you need to be comfortable making your decisions.
We’ll get back into video soon (stay tuned!), and we’ll keep focusing on doing what we do best, using our experience to calmly guide sellers and buyers through the flashy noise and into their next home. – Jason
Looking to sell or buy real estate in South Central Pa? We’re here when you’re ready! Call us at 717-371-0557
Your Friends in Real Estate,
Jason Burkholder Team
Jason Burkholder
Kelly Burkholder
Jaci Hoosier
Ron Weaver
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717-371-0557 direct or text
Hometown Property Sales Group, LLC
717-207-8093 office