Happy Friday Readers! It’s time once again for another timely tip from Matt Steger at WIN Home Inspection! Fall is definitely here and with temperatures dipping below freezing, Matt has some tips regarding your plumbing and how to keep it healthy and intact all winter long!
Read on and don’t forget to call Matt Steger with WIN Home Inspection at 717-361-9467 for all of your Home Inspection needs!
This week’s maintenance tip can help prevent a burst pipe or damaged hose. I recommend disconnecting your garden hoses from outside hose bibs and store them inside. If your exterior water spigots have interior shutoff valves (normally found just inside where the water spigot is located), it’s a good idea to shut the internal valve to help prevent freezing pipes that could burst.
Plumbing pipes located in unheated basements or crawl spaces can be insulated to help prevent bursting pipes. Pipe insulation (essentially long pieces of foam with a slit in them) can be easily installed over plumbing pipes to help prevent them from freezing and will also help keep the water hot in your hot water pipes.
I’d like you to be part of the conversation, so if you like what you read here please, comment, forward The Lancaster Connection.com to your friends, subscribe and as always, if you have questions, need real estate advice or want to buy or sell a home, you can call or text me at 717-371-0557, email me at Jason@JasonsHomes.com or contact me at the office at 717-490-8999!
Your Friend in Real Estate,
Jason Burkholder
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