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Monday Fit Bit – Cut out those liquid calories!

Monday Fit Bit – Cut out those liquid calories!

Happy Monday Everyone! This week’s Fit Bit from Mickey Glick has the simplest solution yet to losing weight, don’t drink your calories! Check out the tips listed below
and as always, if you’d like more information about fitness or would like a personalized workout plan put together for yA star review for the best of the bestou, call Mickey Glick and Body and Soul Fitness Studio 717-509-7777!


If you’re trying to slim down, ditch the liquid calories. And, yes, that includes fruit juice. Researchers from Perdue University found that, when people were allowed to choose to eat or drink as much as they wanted, they consumed 12-15% more calories in liquid form. For example, when the choice was made to drink fruit juice rather than to eat fruit, more calories were consumed. Soda, sweetened teas, juices. Liquid calories just don’t fill us up as fast as whole food, but they add up quickly. Plus, whole fruit is better for you anyway.A star review for the best of the best


If you’re serious about dropping some weight, ditch the booze. According to researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, just 2 drinks (wine, beer or mixed) slows fat burning by 73%!

The reason? Your liver converts the alcohol into acetate and uses it for fuel instead of using your fat stores. Another reason to dump liquid calories.

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Your Friend in Real Estate,

Jason Burkholder

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Jason Burkholder