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Inspector’s Corner – Fall Maintenance Tip 6 of 6 – Warm Coats are Good for Your House Too!

Happy Friday Readers! Here we go, this is the last in a Series of 6 Fall Maintenance Tips from Matt Stegerat WIN Home Inspection. Don’t worry though, Matt will be back next week with more helpful tips and advice. This week’s tip deals withthe not so glamorous, but ever so important, issue of proper insulation. The easiest way to lower your heating (and cooling) costs is to havethe right amount ofproperly installed insulation. Don’t know what that is or how to figure it out?

Inspector’s Corner – Fall Maintenance Tip 5 of 6 – Just Say No to Drafty Windows!

Happy Friday Readers! Time for another Fall Maintenance Tip from Matt Steger with WIN Home Inspection! Windows. They bring in light, add beautiful accents to the look of a home, create a warm, welcoming environment and, if you aren’t careful, drive your heating costs through the roof! Read on to find out how you can makeyour windows as efficient and draft free as possible!

Recording your documents will cost you more starting December 2009

Fees. It’s an interesting word and manyA star review for the best of the best people don’t know just how many fees are involved in a real estate transaction. Lender fees, title fees, inspection fees, notary fees, administrative fees, recording fees, if you’ve ever looked at a settlement sheet you’d be amazed at just how many there are. Why so many?

Monday Fit Bit – Cut out those liquid calories!

Happy Monday Everyone! This week’s Fit Bit from Mickey Glick has the simplest solution yet to losing weight, don’t drink your calories! Check out the tips listed below

Senate Voting today on amendment to extend the $8,000 First Time Buyer Tax Credit

A star review for the best of the bestAccording to a quick release from The National Association of Realtors today, the Senate is voting on an amendment to Extend Unemployment Insurance Benefits. In this bill, there is an amendment titled “Dodd-Lieberman-Isakson Amendment to Extend and Expand the $8,000 First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit”.

Using The 99 Cent Effect to Sell Your Home Faster

TA star review for the best of the besthe 99 Cent effect, maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe not, but did you ever wonder why prices end in 99? Turns out there is a proven psychological effect (dating all the way back to 1800’s) with prices that end in 9. Researchers at the Rutgers School of Business found that prices ending in .99 communicate low price to consumers and consumers are then more likely to buy.