• +717-371-0557 direct or 717-207-8093 office

You already know

A star wars quote is in front of the galaxy.

You already know

You may be confused. You may be wondering. You may be unsure.  But you know.  You know right now whether or not you want to move.  You know right now what you need and if selling or buying a home is what you want to do.

So move.  Sell your house, buy another, just do, or do not, right?  

We know it’s not that simple.  Moving is not just a big deal, it’s your life, it’s a huge deal.  So what’s stopping you, one of the reasons here in this list?

  1. You don’t want to.  Good!  You love your house, stay and be happy!
  2. You want to, but don’t know where to go or how to get there.
  3. You want to, but think you can’t afford to.
  4. You’re confused and not sure of the timing, a bit worried about making a mistake

Number 4 there makes a lot of sense if you’re confused or unsure of your path, because the real estate market can be confusing.  A lot of people have found the most confusing part is knowing when and worry whatever they do, it’s not the right “time” to do it because of all the conflicting information out there.  They’re trying to “time the market”; they’re trying to see what the future might be, listening to all the noise and media chatter, guessing whether interest rates go down (or up), if home prices go up or down, will more homes be available!?! 

And then, even though they want to move they find themselves trapped in indecision. It’s no wonder most people are confused, the endless barrage of headlines contradict themselves hour to hour and there’s always someone with an opinion different than the last one you saw.  The media confuses you on purpose.  All those headlines and predictions drive ad revenue. They’re just guesses.  Some of them are educated, some of them are not.  Some are people who look good on social media and sound convincing.  Some like to sound provocative.  Some will be right.  Most of them are wrong.

We heard a little green guy**  say something like the future is always in motion, and we have found, that’s why the internet and news media is just almost always wrong in their predictions.

Forget them. Hop off the internet and turn off your tv.  We can help you get past all of that noise because we know what we know and we are not confused. We do this every day, for a living.  We don’t get paid to comment online or get ad revenue by creating fear, which we heard is the path to the dark side.   We get paid by helping people buy and sell homes, right here in South Central PA.

We focus on the areas we know, we focus on what is happening now, we know the history here and we tune out what’s happening in another state, because it does not matter here, to you.  We know the facts, trends and numbers you need, and we know how to explain them to you so you can understand them. 

We are not confused because every single person we have ever helped sell or buy real estate did it for the same reasons you are considering.  It was because they wanted to or needed to.  There’s literally never been one who did it because the headlines told them to, or because the interest rate were perfect or the latest jobs report convinced them.

They moved because no matter what the headlines said, it was the right time for them.  Or they didn’t because it wasn’t the right time for their life.  They knew.  Just like you know.   So, be confident, we will get you past the confusion so you can decide to do, or do not.

Now that you read this far, let’s talk about #2 and #3 up there. Those are literally just logistics.  We know how to help you buy and sell at the same time, fix credit, tap into first time buyer programs, how to know which lender to choose (and why), how to help you overcome all the logistical hurdles involved in getting where you need to go, and how to do the math needed to know what makes financial sense for you.  We’ll show you the way forward.  Then again, you decide do, or do not.

We are confident in our ability to help you clearly decide because when 900 years old you reach…  ok, we aren’t that old.  But we do have a couple decades of experience and have helped hundreds of people through the good times and the bad.  Don’t worry about interest rates or headlines or financial reports.  Call us at 717-371-0557, lets get together and we can help you understand it all so you feel comfortable making your move.  When you’re ready.

Your Friends in Real Estate,

Jason Burkholder Team

Jason Burkholder

Kelly Burkholder

Jaci Hoosier

Ron Weaver

Hometown Property Sales

717-207-9083 – office

**Back to the little green guy, we don’t want to violate anyone’s copyright and wouldn’t want to make any unfair comparisons, but Jason isn’t exactly tall (none of us are), and even if he doesn’t know the answer; he’s well connected to the real estate galaxy and knows another little green guy who does.  So call us anytime and if we don’t service the area you want to move to, or don’t know the answer: we definitely have the connection to someone who does

Jason Burkholder