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Monday Fit Bit – Strength Training can ease your pain!

Monday Fit Bit – Strength Training can ease your pain!

Happy Monday Everyone!  It’s time once again for the newest Monday Fit Bit from Mickey Glick at Body and Soul Fitness Studio.   This week Mickey, wants you to know that back pain can be addressed through strength training:


According to research from the University of Alberta, you’re better off using strength training rather than aerobicweights exercise to reduce pain and improve lower back function.

Study participants were people with chronic back pain. One group took part in a 16-week strength training program and used load-bearing machines, dumbbells, barbells and other resistance equipment. The second group engaged only in aerobic exercise such as using an elliptical crosstrainer, walking on a treadmill, jogging, etc.

 The findings? The strength training group exhibited a whopping 60% improvement in function and pain levels compared to just a 12% improvement for the aerobicizers.  The benefits of resistance training for back pain sufferers are clear but please get proper instruction before beginning.  Remember, fitness doesn’t need to be complicated or involve membership in a gym, you can do many strength training exercies in your own living room!

If you have questions about fitness or want Mickey to set up a personalized fitness routine for you, call her at  (717)509-7777 !

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Your Friend in Real Estate,

Jason Burkholder

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Jason Burkholder