Welcome Back Again Readers! It’s Monday, Christmas is over and it’s almost time to ring in the New Year, so what better way to prepare than with a Monday Lancaster Fit Bit from
Mickey Glick at Body and Soul Fitness Studio! This week, Mickey brings us some short and sweet advice on 2 similar but different subjects, read on after the jump to find out more!
Over the years, I’ve found that the exercises people dislike the most, the ones that are toughest for them, are almost always the most productive. Be honest, when was the last time you heard anyone talking about how they dread doing Bicep Curls?
So, which exercises do you think are going to help you get leaner and more fit? Which ones do you think engage more muscles, and in turn, burn more calories? Let’s see. Lunges, Spiderman Climbs, Squats, Pushups OR Bicep Curls, Tricep Kickbacks, Crunches?
Next time you find yourself dreading certain exercises, change your mindset. Instead of thinking about how hard they are or how much you hate them, remind yourself of how much closer doing them brings you to your goal of a lean, fit, healthy body.
If you want to maintain an active lifestyle and your independence as you age, you should be strength
training. After the age of 30, people who don’t do resistance training lose approximately 1/2 pound of muscle a year. It may not sound like much but, think about it, that’s 20 pounds less muscle by age 70. That will have a definite affect on daily living.
Weakness is not a result of age; it’s a result of not maintaining your muscle. But it’s never too late to start, Body & Soul has members in their 70s, 80s and even one who is 93.
As always, if you live in Lancaster County Pa (or nearby) and you would like to have a personal fitness plan created for you, call Mickey Glick at 717-509-7777!
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Your Friend in Real Estate,
Jason Burkholder
Weichert, Realtors – Engle & Hambright
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