Fees. It’s an interesting word and many people don’t know just how many fees are involved in a real estate transaction. Lender fees, title fees, inspection fees, notary fees, administrative fees, recording fees, if you’ve ever looked at a settlement sheet you’d be amazed at just how many there are. Why so many?
I saw an article posted on Rismedia the other day (http://rismedia.com/2009-10-15/8000-tax-credits-hoops-frustrate-house-hunters/) that was picked up from the Orlando Sentinel. The reporter (Mary Shanklin) titled the article “$8,000 Tax Credit’s Hoops Frustrate House Hunters”. She wrote a nice article about the challenges some people are facing in today’s market, concise and well written. In reality, the challenges she outlined have nothing to do with the tax credit. Let me give you the examples used, summarized from the article: