Welcome Back Readers. Today we are touching on a timely topic for many. Foreclosure. Timely for many, as an article about it in today’s paper was titled “Record number losing homes”. Ouch. Record number.
The article cites 2010 Lancaster County Pa Foreclosure filings as setting a new record at 1,334. This is an increase over 2009 at 1,319. But who really expected differently? With the state of the economy, I look at those numbers and am surprised they aren’t higher. That figure represents an increase of 1.21%.
That’s the new record, up 1.21%. If all we are going to do is talk statistics, that is nothing, an anomaly, barely worth a mention in the history books. In the end, statistics, nameless, faceless statistics are what these numbers become when reported this way. And therin lies the problem. Read on after the jump to find out more.
Welcome Back Readers! Thanks for stopping by again,I just wanted to take a minute and let you know about a new website from Fannie Mae. The site, www.KnowYourOptions.com is full of great information regarding forclosure and as the title would suggest, what your options are. Check it out and if you are thinking of selling your home to avoid foreclosure, call me,I will be happy to help you through!
Welcome Back Readers! I wrote thisarticle a little over a year ago and thought it would be worthwhile to refresh it and repost. Why? Well, here in Lancaster Pennsylvania we are in much better shape than many other areas, we do not have, and should not expect, a flood of foreclosures. That being said, foreclosure is thereality many homeowners are currently facing and the majority of themdo not understand the process. First and foremost, this article is not in any way considered to be, or offered as, legal advice. I am not an attorney and all homeowners with specific questions about the foreclosure process should consult with an attorney. With that being said, I am going to lay out in simple terms just what to expect in the process. Let’s get started, read on after the jump for more!
Until HUD made this change to the rules for FHA loans, in order to qualify for a loan modification, struggling homeowners had to actually MISS payments. So, if you knew you were going to be in torouble, you had to let it happen before you were eligible for loss mitigation. Check out the release from HUD on the details of the program.
The complete press release from HUD is after the jump