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Tag Archive housing market

Is it the right time to buy a house?

A star review for the best of the best

Photo Courtesy of B&M Photography

To buy a house or not to a buy a house, that is the question. It’s a big decision, some would say due to the huge impact it can have on your lives it’s the biggets decision you’ve ever made. Some people will tell you to buy a house right away, others will tell you to wait a few years. These opinions vary between friends, family members, co-workers, even Mom and Dad might disagree on the right thing for you to do. Who’s right, what should you do?

Well, the short answer is that it’s completely up to you. You should rely on the advice of friends and family, their experiences can save you a lot of trouble, but in the end no one can make this decision but you and your spouse. As a Realtor, I get asked all the time by nervous buyers whether I think they are making the right decision and while I am happy to give advice, my answer is always the same, it doesn’t matter what I think, because in the end YOU will be living in whatever home you buy and YOU will be paying for it. For that reason and that reason alone, you need to tune out everyone else’s opinions and focus on what youwant to do.

Craigslist Rental Scams

Scam Check, http://www.flickr.com/photos/cafemama/3638263765/Welcome Back Readers!  Thanks for stopping by, I wanted to pass on a little info about a scam that has been happening across the internet, as always if something sounds to good to be true it probably is a scam.

If you think Nigerian Bankers are the only ones out there scamming people, I have news of a new (well not new but it’s becoming more widely used) scam involving craigslist and real estate rentals. (read on to find out more)

Fannie Mae EXTENDS Popular Closing Cost Assistance Program!

A star review for the best of the bestWelcome Back Readers! It’s been a hugely busy month for me in real estate, with the end of the Federal Tax Credit for Homebuyers the Lancaster Countyreal estate market has warmed up with the spring! Even as we close the door on the tax credit, there are many, many other incentives still available for buyers though as we proceed through summer.

For example, I wrote a post a few months ago about Fannie Mae offering 3.5% closing costs assistance/appliance credits for buyers. Due to the popularity of this program (according to Fannie Mae that is), they have extended the program through June!

Click through the “Read More” link after the jump for all the details!

It’s Not Easy Bein Green …. or Is It ?

A star review for the best of the bestWelcome Back Viewers! Happy Earth Day, it’s time for another installment of our Green Tip Video Series with Matt Blank from MBC Building and Remodeling! This week Matt has some easy tips to reduce your electric consumption and save you money!

Click the “read more” link to check out the video after the jump!

Remodeling Lancaster – Green is Good Color, it’s Even Better in your Wallet!

A star review for the best of the best

Welcome Back Viewers! Thanks for stopping by, today we have the start of our GREEN series in honor of Earth Day! Matt Blank, from MBC Building and Remodeling, LLC is here to share some tips with you on how being earth friendly can save you lots of money! You’ll have to watch the video to find out more, but in the meantime don’t forget to call MBC Building and Remodeling at 717-371-5136 for all of your home improvement needs!

The Numbers are In – February was Pretty Good!

A star review for the best of the bestWelcome Back Readers! It’s time for a Market Update, The Lancaster County Association of Realtors® (LCAR)just released their monthly recap of real estate market activity in February 2010 and there were a few good things to point out.

I’ll tell you what those are after the jump, but in the meantime just a note, March was busier than February, April will most likely be too. As a reminder, if you are buying a home, as a first time buyer or a repeat buyer, you have 29 days left to place a home under agreement to ensure that you qualify. Buyers who want to claim the credit must have a home underagreement by 4-30-10 and must settle by 6-30-10. Call me if you’d like more details, nowon the the market report!

Remodeling Lancaster – How to Choose a Remodeling Contractor

A star review for the best of the bestWelcome Back Readers! In real estate, I often have clients who have remodeling and home improvement needs and they ask me “Who should I call?” or “How do I pick the right contractor?”.

Well, my answer is usually pretty simple, I tell them to call Mike Blank at MBC Building and Remodeling, LLC. Mike is always available to answer questions and does quality work at a great price, you can call him at 717-371-5136.

For some people though, they want to talk to different contractors, shop around a little bit, make sure they are getting the best deal. That’s O.K. too, but you always have to be careful when selecting a contractor that you pick the best one for the job. Mike feels the same way too and he has put together some great tips for you on how to select a contractor. Read on after the jump to check them out, see you on the other side!

The Lancaster Inspector’s Corner – Heat Pump Inspections

A star review for the best of the bestWelcome Back Readers! Thanks for stopping by again, this week we will be learning about what Home Inspectors look at when inspecting Heat Pumps. Matt Steger, with WIN Home Inspection will be telling us some more after the jump, don’t forget that Matt is the man I call when my clients need to make sure they are purchasing a problem free home, you should call him too, 717-361-9467. See you on the other side!

Legos, Tax Credits and Lancaster County Real Estate!

A star review for the best of the bestWelcome Back Viewers!

Thanks for stopping by, it’s time for another video blog post here on www.TheLancasterConnection.com, there’s some great info in there on tax credits that will save you money, check out the video to find out more and click through the jump to get the links mentioned in the video!

Lancaster Inspector’s Corner – How S.E.E.R Can Save You Money

A star review for the best of the bestWelcome Back Readers! Thanks for stopping by, this post is the second in our Heat Pump article series by Matt Steger of WIN Home Inspection.

This week, Matt tells us what SEER means and more importantly, how paying attention to the SEER numbers can save you lots of money on your utility bills, as well as what types are available to you.Read on after the jump for more details, see you on the other side!