I know, I know, not the most inspiring title but seriously, when we look at market statistics in today’s ecnomy not that bad is pretty darn good! Read on to find out more!
I don’t know if you are familiar with Zillow.com or not, but they are a national website that aggregates real estate listings and data. I don’t agree with everything they do, but they do a nice job of creating cool charts and graphs that show area trends and when you look at those charts, it’s easy to see why I say things are doing pretty good here in Lancaster!
Take a look at the home price trends for Lancaster, Ephrata, Manheim Township, Manor Township, Warwick Township and Providence Township. If the embed code from zillow didn’t flake out on me, you should see those lines up above. They show a nice little leveling out/uptick in average home prices. Now, if you compare the numbers for Lancaster County as a whole, you’ll see a similar trend.
All in all, not bad, for us or the rest of the country. Now, it’s important to note that these graphs show the Average prices and each market area is different. But if you look at the very pronounced dip in the national numbers, you’ll understand why the media has been proclaiming loudly the pains of the real estate world, as the national average sales price is down about $50,000.
So, these cool little charts are instructional, but not the authority for what is happening in your neighborhood. If you want to see trends more local to you, check out my Crystal Ball (www.RealEstateCrystalBall.com). All you do is pop in some basic info about your location and the system gives you detailed, easy to understand info about your area and what’s happening to home prices there. Check it out, it’s free and easy!
I’d like you to be part of the conversation, so if you like what you read here please comment, forward The Lancaster Connection.com to your friends, subscribe and as always, if you have questions, need real estate advice or want to buy or sell a home, you can call or text me at 717-371-0557, email me at Jason@JasonsHomes.com or contact me at the office at 717-490-8999!
Your Friend in Real Estate,
Jason Burkholder
Search for Lancaster County Homes for sale at www.JasonsHomes.com by clicking here!
Want to see what’s happening to home prices in your neighborhood? Go to www.RealEstateCrystalBall.com !