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Monday Fit Bit – Workouts You Can Do at Home!

Monday Fit Bit – Workouts You Can Do at Home!

Happy Monday Readers! It’s time again for another Monday Fit Bit from Mickey Glick at Body and Soul Fitness Studio. When people tell her they don’t always have time to go to the gym, Mickey tells them that going to the gym isn’t the only way to stay healthy and there are manyexcercises that can be done at home that are just as effective as a gym membership. Read on to find out what they are!

Don’t forget, if you have more questions or would like Mickey to create a personalized fitness plan for you, call her at Body and Soul Fitness Studio 717-509-7777

Don’t be fooled into thinking you need a bunch of equipment to get a good workout. If you want to keep up with your exercise program but are short on time, trying to stay away from the public, or away from home, here’s a no-equipment travel, outdoor or home workout.

A star review for the best of the best*Prisoner Squats

* Pushups (whichever you can do- regular, knee, incline)

* Lying Hip Bridge

* Plank to Pushup*

* Prisoner Lunges (pick one- front, rear, stationary)

* Spiderman ClimbsA star review for the best of the best

Do all 6 exercises with minimal rest between them. Base the number of repetitions on your current fitness level, with a maximum of 15 reps (or 15 per side). Depending upon your weak areas and fitness level, you may be able to perform fewer reps of some exercises and more of others. That’s O.K., just make sure you concentrate on good form and challenge yourself. Rest 30-60 seconds as needed and repeat the full circuit up to a total of 6 times.

*If Plank to Pushups are too difficult for you, just substitute Bird Dogs or Inchworms. If you’re unfamiliar with any of these exercises, you should be able to find them on You Tube.

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Your Friend in Real Estate,

Jason Burkholder

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Jason Burkholder