Good Afternoon Readers! It’s Monday, time for another Monday Fit Bit from Mickey Glick! The one thing I hear all the time from Mickey is that fitness isn’t about making huge radical changes, but about all the little things that add up to an overall healthier life. Stand up, walk, laugh. Yup, it is that simple, read on to find out more!
Don’t forget, if you would like more information or want Mickey Glick (who, by the way, is a very experienced and certified personal trainer!) to set up a fitness plan for you, call her at Body and Soul Fitness Studio at 717-509-7777!
STAND UP AND LIVE LONGER – If you sit most of the day, you need to take a break…from sitting. According to a 12-year study, people who sat most of the day had higher mortality rates. Whether you’re a desk jockey, spend hours riding in a car or watch a lot of TV, you need to frequently get up and move. Walk around, stretch, whatever- just move and do it often. Study participants who sat for more than a quarter of their day had a higher mortality rate than those who sat for less, even if they also exercised 30 minutes a day.
LAUGH YOURSELF THIN – O.K., that’s a gross exaggeration but if you’re debating which movie to see and you’re trying to lose weight, go with the comedy. According to research, you’ll probably snack less. In a study, when participants watched a tearjerker they ate almost 30% more buttered popcorn than when they viewed an upbeat film.
REDUCING YOUR BREAST CANCER RISK – Australian and Canadian researchers recently reviewed 62 exercise studies and found that women who are physically active decreased their risk of breast cancer by 25-30%. In 85% of the studies, the more exercise the women performed, the greater their risk reduction. This held true even for recreational activities like walking. Better yet, the scientists found that you can begin exercising at any age and still reduce your risk of breast cancer.
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Your Friend in Real Estate,
Jason Burkholder
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