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Author Archive Jason Burkholder

Monday Lancaster Fit Bit – A Solid Plan for Lifetime Fitness

 Welcome Back Readers!  It’s time once again for our Monday Lancaster Fit Bit from Mickey Glick at Body and Soul Fitness Studio!  This being the first Fit Bit of 2010, Mickey wanted to make sure she gave you the basis for a solid plan to carry you through the year.  Read on after the jump to see what she has in store for you!

Lancaster Inspector’s Corner – Who Knew There Were So Many Things to Say About Fireplaces and Chimneys?

Welcome Back Again!  I’m glad you’re here  for the last in our Chimney and Fireplace series from Matt Steger with WIN Home Inspection!   Before we begin, let me wish you a Happy New Year!

Don’t worry, just like last week I am not actually writing your latest tips from Matt on the holiday, the miracles of technology allow me to keep you informed and still enjoy the New Year Celebrations here in Lancaster County PA!   Read on after the jump for the final tips on fireplace and chimney inspections/maintenance!

Monday Lancaster Fit Bit – Do What You Hate Before You Lose It

 Welcome Back Again Readers!  It’s Monday, Christmas is over and it’s almost time to ring in the New Year, so what better way to prepare than with a Monday Lancaster Fit Bit from Mickey Glick at Body and Soul Fitness Studio!  This week, Mickey brings us some short and sweet advice on 2 similar but different subjects, read on after the jump to find out more!

Lancaster Inspector’s Corner – It’s Time to Get Down to the Hearth of the Matter

Welcome Back Readers!  It’s Friday again, not just any Friday but Christmas Day!  Don’t worry, I’m not actually writing this today, through the magic of technology I wrote your Lancaster Inspector’s Corner tip on Monday and set it to post today, so even though we are celebrating Christmas you still have a chance for Matt Steger with WIN Home Inspection to teach you something that will help you keep your home warm and safe through the holiday season!  Keep reading after the jump to find out more and have a Merry Christmas!

Monday Lancaster Fit Bit – Commitment, it’s Not Just for Weddings Anymore!

Happy Monday Readers and welcome back!   This week’s Lancaster Fit Bit from Mickey Glick at Body and Soul Fitness Studio is all about commitment.  It’s a big word, lots of people don’t like to hear about it, but like many things in life we don’t like, commitment is critical to anything we expect success in.  Read on after the jump to find out what Mickey is fired up about today!

Lancaster Inspector’s Corner – What Happens During a Chimney and Fireplace Inspection by a Home Inspector?

Happy Friday Readers!   Welcome back to our Friday Inspector’s Corner, where we are continuing Matt Steger’s discussion on Chimney and Fireplace inspections.  Matt is a Home Inspector with WIN Home Inspection and he is the one I call for all of my Lancaster County Pa Home Inspection needs, you should call him too!  Check out his info after the jump!

It Isn’t a Question of “If” Waiting Will Cost You, but Rather “How Much?”

3204081744_d411eab054Waiting.  Sometimes a wise strategy, sometimes a foolish one.  When it comes to home buying, waiting will surely cost you.  There are a number of reasons why, but before I go into that, let’s get one thing clear…. if you aren’t in a positions to buy, if you truly can’t afford it, don’t do it.  But if you are unsure, if you are “thinking about it”, if you are planning to “start looking” in a few months, you need to hop off the fence and start now.  Waiting is a mistake.  Here’s why:

Monday Fit Bit – Get Healthy for a Great Cause!

bann2009_2  Happy Monday Everyone!  this week’s Fit Bit from Mickey Glick comes with a great offer!


Inspector’s Corner – The Level 2 Chimney Inspection

Chimeny inspection Happy Friday Readers, it’s time once again for some helpful tips from Matt Steger at WIN Home Inspection!   This week Matt discusses Level 2 Chimney Inspections as part of a fireplace and chimney maintenance plan.  Don’t have a chimney maintenance plan?  You should!

HUD Secretary Donovan woke up this morning and got himself a gun……

close up … and he plans to use it to take out the US Housing Market!

I know, very dramatic.  Maybe even a little uncalled for.  On the other hand, there is really no other way to describe how potentially dangerous the policy changes that  HUD Secretary Donovan is proposing this week.  What are those changes?